
Educational Data Breach Claims

If you are a victim of a data protection failure involving your, or your child’s, educational data, check out our current group actions to see if we are running a claim related to that specific breach.

Education Data Breaches

Get justice & compensation for the breach of your/your child’s educational data

We all have a right to privacy as we go about our daily lives, but it is becoming more and more difficult to protect our personal information, even in places where we should feel most secure.  

Schools are responsible for handling a wealth of sensitive data, including information about our children. But unfortunately, many are falling short when it comes to data protection. 

There has been a worrying rise in data breaches across the UK childcare and educational sector. Nobody wants to sue a school. But sometimes, making a claim is the only way to get justice and force security improvements. 

With limited budgets and competing priorities, it’s not surprising that data protection is often overlooked. But this has made schools, nurseries, universities, and colleges prime targets for hackers who are eager to get their hands on valuable personal information. And that’s not the only risk. Human error is also a major contributor to data breaches in the education sector, and without proper data protection training, staff may unintentionally put personal data at risk. 

The consequences of a data breach in the education sector can be devastating.  Sensitive personal information about children and their families could be exposed, leading to identity theft, fraud, and other serious problems. So, it’s imperative that schools take data protection seriously, invest in staff training, and ensure that the right safeguards are in place to keep our personal information safe. 

KP Law is a group action law firm. With a group action claim, you and the other victims join together and fight to get compensation. Group actions can be a powerful tool and can have a bigger impact than a single claim.

If you (or your child) are a victim of a data protection failure involving educational data, check out our current group actions to see if we are running a claim related to that specific breach.

If the action you want to join is not listed, please contact us and tell us about it! Where enough people come forward, we may launch a new claim.

We do not take on individual cases.


No-win, no-fee data breach compensation

Don’t let the fear of costs stop you getting the justice you deserve. Contact us today and let us fight for you. 

In 2021, the education sector was responsible for at least 172 data breaches.

Many of these incidents related to children. The most common reason behind data breaches within the education sector include:  

Data being emailed to the wrong person

Hackers targeting educational and childcare settings (e.g., phishing attacks, malware and ransomware)

Misplaced information (e.g., laptops or flash drives containing sensitive data)

Current or former employees accessing sensitive data and deliberately misusing it.

A lack of staff training and/or understanding of data protection responsibilities

Why claim education data breach compensation?

Hold organisations to account for failing to protect your private information.

Receive financial compensation for your loss.

Force organisations to implement better data security.

Why use KP Law to make a claim?

We are one of the most experienced multi-claimant law firms in the UK.

We represent clients in group actions with innovation, resources, and expertise.

We work with expert barristers to ensure you get the very best level of legal support available.

We have all the resources and global expertise necessary to take on complicated cases and win.

We have offices in London, Liverpool, Manchester, and Birmingham, and the technology to provide a nationwide service to clients across England & Wales.

We use technology to deliver a better legal experience to our clients.

We work on a no-win, no-fee basis.

We make the process straightforward and hassle-free.

What can you claim for?

While each case is judged on its own merits, there are some things we would typically look for when it comes to when claiming compensation following a data breach, cybercrime or other GDPR violation:

Financial loss

With stolen data, cybercriminals can make purchases using your bank and credit cards, apply for credit in your name, set up fraudulent bank accounts and access your existing online accounts.


GDPR failures, cybercrime and data breaches can have a significant impact on you, both mentally and physically. They can cause or exacerbate anxiety, stress and other psychological conditions.

Loss of privacy

Your data has value, and organisations must be held to account if they fail to protect your right to data privacy or otherwise do not uphold your GDPR rights.

How to protect yourself following a data breach or cybercrime

  • Contact your bank or credit card provider immediately if your financial data has been exposed.
  • Check all bills and emails for goods or services you have not ordered.
  • Check your bank account for unfamiliar transactions.
  • Alert your bank or credit card provider immediately if there is any suspicious activity.
  • Monitor your credit score for any unexpected dips.
  • Call Credit, Experian and Equifax to ensure credit isn’t taken out in your name.
  • Never provide your PIN or full password to anyone (even someone claiming to be from your bank).
  • Never been pressured into moving money to another account for fraud reasons. A legitimate bank won’t ask you to do this.
  • Follow the security instructions provided by the organisation that breached your data.
  • Never automatically click on any suspicious links or downloads in emails or texts.
  • Don’t assume an email or phone call is authentic just because someone has your details.
  • Be careful who you trust – criminals often use scare tactics to try and trick you into revealing your security details.
  • Know that, even if you recognise a name or number, it might not be genuine.
  • Don’t be rushed or pressured into making a decision. A trustworthy organisation would never force you to make a financial transaction on the spot.
  • Never provide your full password, pin or security code to someone over the phone (or via message). If a bank believes a transaction has been fraudulent, they will not ask for this information to cancel the transaction.
  • Listen to your instincts and ask questions if something feels “off”.
  • Refuse requests for personal or financial information and stop discussions if you are at all unsure.
  • Contact your bank or financial service provider on a number you know and trust to check if a communication is genuine.
  • Be cautious of unsolicited communications that refer you to a web page asking for personal data.
  • Don’t accept friend requests from people you don’t know on social media.
  • Review your online privacy settings.
  • Report suspected fraud attempts to the police and Action Fraud.
  • Register with the Cifas protective registration service to slow down credit applications made in your name.
  • Change your passwords regularly and use a different password for every account (a password manager can help with this).
  • Protect your devices with up-to-date internet security software.

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